Puppy Classes
Your puppy’s early months are critical for shaping their behavior and setting the tone for a happy, well-behaved life. Our 4-Week Puppy Class provides the guidance and tools you need to make the most of this formative stage.
Designed for puppies aged 8 to 20 weeks, this program uses positive reinforcement training to teach essential skills, including:
Potty and crate training strategies for a stress-free home.
Core commands like sit, down, stand, recall, leave it
Tips for socializing your puppy safely with other dogs, people, situations, and new places.
Solutions to manage common challenges like nipping, chewing, and barking and more.

Puppy 101


Tips and Tricks
Our Puppy Classes take place On Sundays at 205 15th St Jersey City NJ 07310.
For more info on dates and pricing Email: AFTWpuppyclass@gmail.com
Limited slots available sign up now!